Today, we started our journey up the Caledonian Canal, leaving the ocean behind. The 60-mile-long canal follows the Great Glen, a fault line that began forming 430-390 million years ago. We will sail within the canal to our final destination at Inverness. Our canal venture began with a morning climb up Neptune’s Staircase, a series of eight locks that raises the canal by 19 meters.

Almost two thirds of the canal consists of freshwater lochs. Today we crossed over several of these, including Loch Oich, the canal’s high point at 106 feet above sea level.

After lunch, we had a chance to stretch our legs with the opportunity to disembark and walk the last couple of miles into Fort Augustus, our berth for the night. The activities weren’t over though. Just before dinner some headed off for another walk, looping through the outskirts of Fort Augustus, while others explored the town on their own. The day was capped off with a presentation on the Scottish kilt and plaid.