After four busy days at South Georgia we had a very relaxed day at sea. The sea started off rather bumpy and continued to build throughout the day which gave us some extra time to relax in bed.  Thankfully most of us didn’t have to work in the swell, unlike much of the crew who had to keep on working through, particularly the galley staff who were kept busy preparing food for meals.

For the guests the day started with a lecture by Tom Ritchie on Shackleton, the man who became a legend. Many onboard had already shown a keen interest in Shackleton, so the talk was great to fill in some of the blanks guests may have had about Shackleton.

After lunch, Conor gave his talk on “The Life of a Whaler.” For many decades, South Georgia was a very important island for whale hunting, with reports that whalers didn’t even need to leave the bays of the whaling stations for the first year of whaling because there were so many whales.

The sea continued to build throughout the afternoon and outdoor decks were closed for safety reasons. After dinner, Jonathan and Rich did a short critique session on some images guests had submitted for appraisal from the first half of the trip.