A very snowy morning was had at Cuverville Island, where guests had the option to go ashore for a hike as well as the opportunity to kayak amongst icebergs in the beautifully calm Antarctic waters.  The sky offered a constant snow shower of beautiful, fat, fluffy flakes, making the morning that much more special. 

During lunch we began our sail towards Useful Island, where we planned to have our afternoon operations.  However, we came across a group of humpback whales feeding. After spending some time watching these amazing animals, we continued our sail towards Useful Island, only to be interrupted once again by a pod of killer whales.  We were able to send out one of the Zodiacs with our cetacean researchers so they could photo ID the killer whales as well as take biopsy samples, a part of an ongoing scientific project they have been working on for ten years down here. 

We finally made it to Useful Island later in the afternoon and were able to lower our Zodiacs and spend some time cruising around the Island.  The day was not yet over though, as we sailed through the picturesque Lemaire Channel after dinner, a truly amazing ending to a wonderful day spent on the Antarctic Peninsula.