Today was one of those days. The type of day that starts out with an amazing plan, the sort that makes you want to wake up early. But due to unforeseen circumstances, somehow, the day gets better. And you still get to all the fun things you had planned.

As National Geographic Explorer made its way down the Gerlache Strait toward Cuverville Island, we were treated to a visit by a pod of killer whales. After watching the impressive animals for a bit, we sipped hot drinks to warm up as we headed back inside for a presentation: “Earth’s Bipolar Disorder” by our Global Perspectives Speaker Bob Bindschadler.

When we arrived at Cuverville Island, we discovered there was too much ice and snow at the landing to get ashore. Instead, we headed out in Zodiacs to explore around the island. We found an array of breeding birds, including a large gentoo penguin colony, and once again spotted whales—humpbacks this time!