We spent the morning exploring Hyde Inlet between Philpots and Devon Island. Guests split their time between Zodiac cruising among the beautiful icebergs and listening to an interesting talk on “Environmental Intelligence” by our global perspective speaker Kathy Sullivan. Muskox is one of the few animals that can survive the harsh climate in this part of the Arctic, and all passengers got the chance to observe two individuals resting in the sun. We also saw black guillemots hunting for food, diving into the water among the icebergs.

Conditions being what they were in such a beautiful setting, we took the opportunity to partake in the polar plunge at the northernmost site of this expedition (75°07×3´N, 079°49×0´W). Though it takes a certain amount of willpower to commit to the jump, guests, crew, and staff leapt into the 31.2° water with “pleasure.”

Another highlight of the day was an afternoon presentation given to us by our global perspectives speaker Eva Aariak in the lounge. We enjoyed our evening as we sailed into the midnight sun, wondering what adventures tomorrow would bring.