In Dominica, we can do it all while learning about the history, not only of the Lesser Antilles, but of the world, as most European countries had possessions on these fertile volcanic islands. We offered a photo walk before breakfast, with the sun rising behind Morne Diablotin, the highest peak of the island.

Later in the morning, the hike through the rain forest at Syndicate National Park transported us to the time when Columbus arrived at the Americas during his second voyage. The island has not changed much in more than 500 years, it is still very pristine and forested.

Once back on board, Dr. Lenox Honychurch, born and raised on the island, with a PhD in history and archeology, answered many questions about his country. He has dedicated his life to save the historical Fort Shirley from the jungle and from oblivion.

At the end of a good day, it was great to have the opportunity to swim, snorkel, and afterwards, to enjoy a Kubuli (the endemic beer) at Purple Turtle Bar.