A beautiful morning to enjoy the Amazon at its maximum expression, and there is no better way to do it than a skiff ride in the search of wildlife.

El Dorado River was our first outing of the day, one by one our skiffs left the Delfin II loaded with very enthusiastic guests ready to find the secrets of this beautiful river. Little by little the inhabitants of this part of the Amazon showed up giving us a warm welcome: parrots, monkeys, caimans and all kinds of colorful birds made us feel like home.

Finally, and to make this morning even more special the crew had prepared a surprise for all of us, a picnic style breakfast right in the middle of the Amazon, definitely a unique experience that we will remember forever.

The day was not over yet and still had a few more surprises prepared by our expedition leader. This time a late afternoon outing was part of the plans of the day, flora and fauna were the tonic of our second outing on skiffs but the best was about to come, the chance to enjoy a great sunset and the transition from day to night out at the Pacaya River. Little by little the almost-full moon started to illuminate this amazing jungle and our intrepid naturalists started to spot some nocturnal animals that inhabit this area including caimans and nocturnal birds such as potoos. It was just the perfect way to finish another great day in the Peruvian Amazon.