We woke this morning on National Geographic Explorer to the gentle rocking of the ship as we made our way through the Drake Passage. This body of water below South America has incredibly variable weather and is home to beautiful whales and elegant seabirds.

Our team of expert naturalists provided a series of captivating presentations, enriching our understanding of the Southern Ocean's unique ecosystems, wildlife, and history. Our National Geographic experts taught us how to streamline our photo processing workflow. We also learned about marine archaeology in cold waters, the historic race to the South Pole, and the challenging art of navigation in remote regions.

During teatime, the bistro bar was abuzz with conversation as people exchanged insights and anecdotes, reflecting on our wonderful journey together.

As evening came, we gathered for a recap of the day's highlights in the lounge. The expedition team also shared the upcoming schedule, ensuring that everyone is well prepared for the exciting adventures that await us as we approach Ushuaia.