Early this morning around 7:00 am National Geographic Orion encountered a small group of rarely encountered long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas). The calm conditions of the Drake Passage allowed some our early bird guests to view these charismatic cetaceans. The calm conditions also allowed our guests to view the scenic back drop of Cape Horn, our first opportunity to view the continent of South America. A warm breeze and the scent of the coast greeted our guests as they enjoyed their morning coffee. Our naturalists had a quick glimpse of the Peale’s dolphin (lagenorhynchus australis) near the entrance of the Beagle Channel.

After breakfast our guests spent the morning indulged in stories of adventure and photography with National Geographic photographer Johnathan Irish. After hearty lunch prepared by our amazing kitchen crew, guests were treated to an important presentation on krill by naturalist Colby Brokvist. This presentation focused on how krill is the most important organism in the Southern Ocean.

The afternoon excitement continued with bow riding dusky dolphins (lagenorhynchus obscurus) and soaring black browed albatross (diomedea melanophris). Towards the end of the day our guests were greeted by our very own Captain Martin. Captain Martin gave a beautiful speech and wished our guests a safe journey.