After a peaceful night of motoring down the Dalmatian Coast under warm, gentle breezes, the Sea Cloud approached the Old Town wharf just before 8:00 a.m. The rattle of the anchor chain joined the tinkle of coffee cups up on the lido deck as guests enjoyed another marvelous breakfast.

Dubrovnik will be our final stop in Croatia before continuing south towards Albania and Greece. A UNESCO World Heritage site, Dubrovnik was established sometime in the 7th century, and is certainly one of the Mediterranean’s most beautiful cities. The city was badly damaged by Serbian troops in 1991-92, but has since been restored to a glorious and bustling center for tourism.

In an effort to beat the heat, we got an early start and loaded the shuttle to the wharf at 8:15 for tours of the walled city. Our guides led us through stone gates, along narrow streets and across the main square, and finally up countless steps to the top of the city walls that create a high sidewalk all the way around the old city. From that vantage point the view is filled with arches, towers, domes, turrets, and tourists. Below, cafes and shops offer everything from trinkets to fine art and local crafts.

By noon, the heat of midday drove us back to the ship, where lunch and a siesta beckoned. At 3:15 the Sea Cloud’s crew laid out safety lines and lowered the gangway, and most of us took advantage of the opportunity to take a refreshing dip in the cool Mediterranean water. Once dry and refreshed, our National Geographic expert Carol Fielder presented her talk on “The Forth Crusade.”

Just before dinner, most guests shuttled back to shore to see a very special “Klapa” performance given just for us at the Dominican Monastery. Klapa is a traditional Croatian a’capella singing style of resonant harmonies, and is particularly well suited to be heard inside a large stone courtyard.

After dinner, photo instructor Jose Calvo led a group back to town for a nighttime photo session. The ancient walled city creates an exciting background to the throngs of visitors enjoying the nightlife of a thriving European city.