We woke up on the Sea Cloud in Durrës which is the largest and busiest port in Albania. We took a shuttle bus to the town of Krujë which is situated within a spectacular setting beneath the country’s central limestone escarpment, and is home to two small, but excellent, museums. 

We visited the Albanian Skanderbeg museum, as well as the Ethnographic museum where we learned about life in 18th century Albania. Both of these museums are located inside a spectacular outdoor castle called Skanderbeg Castle.

We had lunch at a restaurant on top of Skanderbeg Castle where a group of folk dancers delighted us with an incredible show. After lunch we had time to walk around the town and photograph small lighted alley as well as capturing local activity happening in the main heart of town.

We left Krujë at around 2.45pm to take our shuttle bus back to Durrës with a quick stop at a recently discovered Roman amphitheater, before returning to the Sea Cloud at the main port.

What an incredible time we had in Albania, it was full of history, culture, and amazing landscapes. Our journey continues aboard the Sea Cloud, now setting course towards Montenegro.