Our second day aboard National Geographic Sea Bird started with a lovely sunrise and a stretch class with wellness specialist Ava. It was a little chillier than expected on the bow, so guests and staff grabbed an extra layer to prepare for the day. Our first adventure was the chance to kayak through the mangroves at El Barril. Little blue herons and great blue herons were spotted hiding among the roots in the red and black mangroves. After kayaking, guests had the chance to explore even more on a Zodiac, and we took advantage of the high tide. To get to our next destination, we cruised through the shallow canal of Boca de Soledad. The afternoon’s activities consisted of walking along the sand dunes of Boca de Soledad. Some of the Global Explorers learned how to make plaster to cast the footprints of a great blue heron. After a fun-filled day, the evening ended with live music from Los Coyotes.
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