After sailing overnight, we awoke to a surreal landscape where mangroves meet dunes, a combination of ecosystems that are rarely found together. As the day started, we got the water toys out, kayaks and DIBs were chosen to explore the inner channels of this mangrove forest called el Barril.

After spending a couple of hours at el Barril, our local pilot Sergio Camacho got onboard and helped us navigate through the Canal de Soledad, famous for being shallow and narrow. During our transit in the canal, we got the opportunity to spot many varieties of shorebirds, and while cruising, a pod of bottlenose dolphins decided to join us. They gave us a show, riding the bow of the ship.

After dropping anchor, we headed out to Isla Magdalena, a long and narrow sandy barrier island separating Bahia Magdalena from the Pacific Ocean.

When we came back to the ship, we were greeted by the talented musicians from Puerto Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Los Coyotes, and the folkloric dancers, las Flores del Desierto. They helped by setting the rhythm for our Mexican fiesta, where the music, mezcal, and food were the soul of the party.