The day started with a slight wind and a beautiful view of the mangroves, dunes, and Cabo San Lazaro mountains at the port side of the ship. After breakfast some guests enjoyed the kayaks and paddle boards in the mangrove channels. Naturalist Emily Mall took guests on a Zodiac tour to visit El Barril, where we found red, black, and withe mangroves. We also spotted warblers, a surf scoter, godwits, snowy egrets, a great blue heron, great egrets, and a tricolored heron.

Before lunch and during low tide, we navigated through the Hull Canal where we saw a pair of coyotes.

In the afternoon we jumped on the pangas from Lopez Mateos to go for our third whale search of the trip. We headed to Boca de Soledad and saw a gray whale with a white fluke, and we spied some spouts toward the opening of the bay. Bottlenose dolphins showed up with some calves, bringing joy to our guests.

In the evening we enjoyed the Mexican music of Los Coyotes and las Flores del Desierto dancers, who performed their folk dances in the lounge.