The sun rose over a sea so flat it appeared that a nocturnal Zamboni had shaved the water. When conditions are like this, there is only one thing to do…kayak!!! And that we did, all morning among the beautiful mangroves of El Barril. We observed herons and egrets perched patiently over the water waiting for unwary fish, along with warblers, kingfishers, and many other bird species.

After lunch we sailed north through the shallow Hull Canal, so named because boat hulls often can touch the bottom while transiting during a low tide. We again saw numerous water birds, as well as coyotes ambling along the beaches, and we were escorted by a few bottlenose dolphins.

Well before our destination, we encountered a group of spy-hopping gray whales. We anchored near Puerto Lopez Mateo and boarded pangas for two hours of whale watching featuring many whales spy-hopping, and mother-calf pairs.

Before dinner we were graced by the guitar duo Los Coyotes and the dancing Desert Flowers. The music and dancing were quite lively and many guests joined the dancers in a festive dance around the lounge. The evening ended with a Mexican fiesta featuring traditional Mexican food.