Good things come to those who wait! After riding out gale force winds yesterday, our weather window finally arrived in the form of sunshine and diminished seas today. Just after breakfast, we took full advantage of these conditions to go ashore at Sandy Beach on Enderby Island, the northeastern most island in the Auckland Island group of New Zealand’s sub-Antarctic Islands.

Some of us decided to do a longer hike around the island. Others chose to do a shorter boardwalk trail across the island, while still others stayed above the beach and watched the New Zealand sea lions as males continuously fought for territory to entice female companions. The hikers were rewarded with views of birdlife endemic to these islands, such as Auckland Island shags, banded dotterels, tomtits, pipits, and teals. Other birds included yellow-eyed penguins, breeding southern royal albatrosses, and light-mantled albatrosses on nests. What an amazing day this has been!