From the comfort of the National Geographic Sea Bird, we entered the icy waters of Endicott Arm at 5am. Thanks to the hard work of the galley mates, everyone on board ate a hearty breakfast – but for the early explorers of Endicott Arm, they wouldn’t have enjoyed the same fare that we did. Instead, they’d have eaten according to what could be packed in or harvested from the shore. Luckily for those early explorers, fresh water wasn’t an issue as numerous waterfalls replenish the fjord and bergy bits float freely in the ocean (they’d have been able to retrieve one if they’d needed to).

Harbor seals and seabirds sustain themselves by diving under the surface of the water to catch fish, and as we scanned the shoreline during our cruise, one couldn’t help but wonder at the nutritional bounty the inter tidal zone has to offer.