The brisk morning began with towering granitic mountains draped softly by wispy clouds as we traveled through Endicott Arm on our way towards Dawes Glacier. The glassy seas were full of glacial silt and sediment fed by a multitude of waterfalls cascading down the dampened rock. Floating all about were several shapes and sizes of blue, white, and gray ice that had recently calved from this tidewater glacier. Zodiacs allowed a much closer view this beautiful place. We observed the ice, the landscape, and Dawes Glacier, as well as some harbor porpoises, marbled murrelets, and harbor seals.

Lunch was so warming but interrupted by a glimpse through the window of a large dorsal fin breaking the water and weaving past the ice. A pod of about six orcas came into Endicott Arm, surfacing near the ship before they continued on their way. Were they looking for lunch, too?

We spent the afternoon cruising the waters of Stephens Passage, watching the rain, and looking for wildlife. After a few fantastic presentations and a tasty dinner, we enjoyed another sighting of two more orcas just as the crème brûlée was being served. Today was our first full day in Southeast Alaska together, and it was amazing!