As we awaken at Española Island we are impressed by the contrast from our previous island of San Cristobal. Turquoise blue water surrounds us as we start our day exploring the underwater world of Galapagos. Deep water snorkelers head to Gardner Islet and encounter young sea lions chasing each other and blowing bubbles at the snorkelers as if to say, “play with me”, as large schools of razor surgeon fish forage over the rocky reef. Beach goers are delighted with the young sea lion pups body surfing in the shallows and showing us it is quite easy to swim in this aquatic environment. As we all coalesce on the beach we are able to explore a bright white coralline sand beach as Española mocking birds noisily flit among us. The occasional Pacific green sea turtle track informs us of a very productive area for the local sea life. Upon our return to our floating home our chef, Christian, treats us with an incredible Ecuadorian lunch and we are able to learn some of the cultural history of Ecuador through its cuisine.

After a short navigation we arrive to Punta Suarez, which is a spectacular point that juts out from the coastline of Española. The abundance of life is astounding, as at certain points we have to slowly step over wildlife. Young sea lion pups surf in the shallow water awaiting their mothers to return so they may feed and brightly colored marine iguanas with turquoise and red striations, which indicates that this is the breeding season, line the path. The path appears as if boulders had rained down from the sky and Española lava lizards soak up the heat that is radiating out. Sparse croton and mesquite bushes attest to the lack of top soil, however Darwin finches search for the seeds that are present.  Arriving at the southern cliffs we find some air traffic with Galapagos hawks searching for prey and Nazca boobies soar overhead. Waves crash along the coast with some large swells being compressed into a blow hole that shoots water vapour up to 30 meters into the wind. As the sun dips below the horizon and the waves crash upon the shore, I believe that all are amazed, not only by the diversity of life here on this small island, but also by this intricate web of life that we are a part of.