The journey continued this morning when we woke up, surrounded by the turquoise waters of Gardner Bay. As we explored the white coral sand beach, we were promptly visited by Española mockingbirds, which showed no fear of us as they proceeded to dig through our gear on the beach. Hundreds of Galápagos sea lion lazed upon the beach after foraging offshore while young pups nursed. Some of our guests snorkeled in the bay and were delighted with the interaction with sea lions as they blew bubbles at us and tried to grab our snorkel fins.

Heading into the afternoon, we encountered an incredible density of life. As we were walking along a path on the island a waved albatross soared overhead and pairs in the nesting colony gave a phenomenal display as they encountered their mates. Española lava lizards flitted about on the path with Nazca boobies watched over the southern cliffs and the sun dipped into the horizon as our wonderful exploration of the island continued to present surprises with a unique diversity of life.