Today was our first full day of expedition in the enchanted islands. We woke up surrounded by turquoise water and a view of the oldest island in the archipelago, Española. Directly ahead of National Geographic Islander we spotted Gardner bay. Its soft white sand beach dotted with Galapagos sea lions was a truly enticing sight. Our first snorkeling opportunity was right off this beach, and for those wishing to go deep-water snorkeling, there was Gardner Islet. We had incredible conditions, temperature, and visibility; the perfect day to discover the wonders of the Galapagos underwater world. In the afternoon, we hiked at Punta Suarez, one of my favorites! This place is full of colorful marine iguanas, Española mockingbirds, Española lava lizards, Galapagos sea lions, Nazca boobies, waved albatrosses, and the top predator of the archipelago, the Galapagos hawk. It’s been a fantastic day exploring this amazing paradise on board National Geographic Islander.
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