Early in the morning, we woke up to a view of a beautiful white sand beach with turquoise waters. Gardner Bay was our visitors’ site this morning. We went kayaking before breakfast and spotted several Galapagos sea lions resting on the rocky shores.

After breakfast, we went deep water snorkeling along the coast of Champion Islet. We spotted several fish species and a couple whitetip reef sharks. We were lucky to spot a Pacific reef octopus hiding along the rocky shores. After snorkeling, we had the opportunity to visit a white sand beach. We went swimming and enjoyed the sunny day.

After lunch, we took a half-hour Zodiac tour along the coast of Punta Suarez. We were extremely lucky to spot a couple of orcas feeding off the coast of Espanola. Although it was windy, we were able to get a nice view of the elegant marine mammals.