Our expedition continues in this marvelous paradise. Every day we’ve explored different ecosystems and wildlife and have almost gone all the way around the whole archipelago. Today the National Geographic Endeavour anchored in three locations of the northwestern side of Santiago Island: Espumilla Beach, Buccaneer’s Cove and Puerto Egas.

Most of our guests joined us in a pre-breakfast nature walk at 6:30 a.m. It took place at Espumilla Beach, a very important nesting site for the pacific green sea turtles in the Galapagos. The walk through a mangrove forest and an incense tree made this outing very special; all guests came back full of energy and ready for breakfast. Shortly afterwards, deep water snorkeling and glass bottom boating were offered, they were great ways to finish our morning.

Puerto Egas was our National Park’s visiting site for the afternoon. Some guests went for a nature hike along the coastal part of this section of Santiago Island and some others remained at the beach for swimming and snorkeling. On the hike, we got several close encounters with the wildlife of the area. The light was perfect for photography and the sea lions were the stars of the show, the two different species of sea lions were found very close to each other: the Galápagos sea lions and the Galápagos fur seals.

Walking back to the beach to get our Zodiacs, we had a spectacular sunset. Now we continue with our navigation towards Santa Cruz Island; all guests are ready to discover a new place in the Enchanted Islands.