After weathering squalls during our visit to the Inian Islands yesterday, Haines welcomed this National Geographic Sea Bird expedition with some Alaskan sunshine and a much-needed dose of vitamin D!

Most of our group left early in the morning to visit Klukwan and the Chilkat cultural center before a leisurely float back down the Chilkat River. Juvenile and mature bald eagles abounded along the river, and we even passed a female bear and her cub right off the highway en route to Klukwan: the first bear sighting of the trip for many! The rest of us stretched our legs – and then some – on a successful hike to the top of Mount Riley and back, a five-mile roundtrip excursion that culminated in a walk through a sub-alpine muskeg.

Flight-seeing tours and the opportunity to explore Haines and soak in some almost-summer weather filled out the rest of the day and provided ample opportunities to work up an appetite. Good thing it was crab night this evening, featuring all-you-can-eat local Dungeness crab…yum!