Spontaneity is one of those intangibles that can’t be truly taught. To be able embark upon an unrehearsed course of action for a day is what makes the National Geographic Sea Bird and her crew an expedition ship. Our ability to do just about everything, just about anywhere, allows for a kind of freedom that just feels natural and has an infectious excitement that spreads throughout the ship, affecting guest and staff alike. Breakfast ends just as a pod of common dolphins begins a feeding frenzy in our anchorage of Agua Verde, any morning plans are delayed to allow all to watch with ecstatic glee as dorsal fins cut through the water with deliberate efficiency. Brown pelicans, some in brightly colored mating throat plumage, spiral above and occasionally plunge down into the fray for a giant gulp of fish.

After the flurry of tumultuous animal activity dissipated it was our turn, snorkelers took to the shallow waters, hikers clambered up winding trails to expansive vistas, and some just combed the beach, looking for that one perfect shell to photograph. White cumulonimbus clouds rolled across an azure sky and over red rock ridges covered by swathes of green vegetation. Such an uncharacteristic color in this desert climate is a sign that this typically dry region has received recent rainfall, an occurrence that may not happen for a year.

Utterly unconcerned with staying dry, the undersea program dove under the waves around “Roca Solitaria,” the pillar of rock that stands like a sentry at the mouth of the bay. Despite its proximity to the fishing village the fish population was still bountiful, dozens of species teeming amongst the perceived shelter that the hard substrate and depths provided. Coral heads and gorgonians were present in good number as well, polyp tentacles outstretched, reaching out to opportunistically ensnare any potential prey that might be floating by in the current. Scrupulous sea urchins and intricately colored sea stars meticulously grazed on algae, adding balance to this fragile ecosystem. All this and more was able to be visually shared with those aboard before ending another invigorating day in Baja.