After a long day travelling down to the ship it was good to have a day at sea to unpack and take in where we were and where we were sailing to. After breakfast the day started with an introduction to the expedition team covering specialities from birds to whales and scuba diving to photography. We then had a presentation and breakout session to help with photography during the trip with an aim to help people figure out their own specific settings and which settings to use for specific situations. Lunchtime followed and then the busiest part of the day: the Antarctic briefing and decontamination. This is done to avoid introducing invasive species and bacteria to the area. We then had a presentation on the Antarctic treaty – one that has allowed Antarctica to stay as a continent for international cooperation and science. The finally we got to meet our captain of the voyage during his hosted cocktail session in the evening. First day of the trip here! At sea but still plenty busy!
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