Today we woke up at sunrise to search for cetaceans from the sky deck of National Geographic Endeavour II. We were lucky to observe a group of common dolphins hunting for fish. After a delicious breakfast, we went for a natural history hike at Punta Espinoza in Fernandina Island, where we had the opportunity to observe an endless number of marine iguanas. Before lunch, we went snorkeling, where we observed plenty of green sea turtles and a few flightless cormorants searching for algae to build a nest.

In the afternoon, we visited Punta Vicente Roca, a collapsed caldera that offered the perfect opportunity to talk about geology in Galapagos. Here we also had the opportunity to observe penguins and fur seals. We ended our day wine tasting on the sky deck celebrating that we just crossed the equator in Galapagos onboard National Geographic Endeavour II.