Today’s expedition started very early with whale watching as we navigated through the Bolivar Channel between Fernandina and Isabela Islands. The expedition continued with an invigorating hike on the youngest island of the Galapagos Archipelago, Fernandina Island. The latest volcanic eruption on this island was in fact this year on September 4th, and the National Geographic Endeavour II was the first boat to identify the eruption and inform the Galapagos National Park about the volcanic activity.

After a walk on pahoe-hoe lava rock while observing thousands of iguanas warming up to the sun, we went back to the boat and then in the water for a beautiful snorkeling outing, where we swam with Galapagos sea lions, green sea turtles, flightless cormorants and marine iguanas. The afternoon was spent Zodiac riding along Isabela Island for some bird watching, and then drinking a glass of wine as we watched the sunset and crossed the equatorial line. Another amazing day at the Galapagos Islands.