Today we watched the sunrise as we navigated through the Bolivar Canal looking for whales. This area of Galapagos sits between the two youngest islands and is bathed by the Crownwell Current, which upwells from the west and brings phosphates and nitrates to the surface acting as fertilizer and making these waters the richest of Galapagos. Fish is so abundant that cormorants stopped flying and we have a new species called the flightless cormorant found only here in the whole world.

After breakfast, we visited Punta Espinosa where we walked on lava and saw the largest concentration of marine iguanas to be found anywhere in the planet. Soon after the visit, we snorkeled with turtles and marine iguanas. In the afternoon, we visited Punta Vicente Roca on Isabela Island where we took a zodiac ride along the shore. Later we navigated to the equatorial line for a little ceremony while tasting wine. A perfect day in paradise ends.