Today was an impressive day with an optional early call searching for and finding whales and striped dolphins as the sun rose above the volcanoes.

Soon after breakfast, we disembarked at the most pristine island in the archipelago, Fernandina Island. Today we were surrounded by marine iguanas and snakes amid a volcanic landscape.

Back onboard we got ready for snorkeling with green Pacific sea turtles, sea lions, and many fish. Today was a bit colder and the chilly water brought nutrients to our special marine ecology.

We returned to National Geographic Endeavour II for lunch as we repositioned toward our next visitor site, Punta Vicente Roca. Once we arrived, we took a Zodiac ride along the shore searching for Galapagos penguins, fur seals, sea birds, turtles and much more. Afterward, we crossed the equator as we enjoyed an impressive sunset.