Fernandina Island, part of the Galapagos archipelago, is an intriguing natural wonder. On this morning’s hike, we explored the island’s unique biodiversity and volcanic landscapes and learned about its conservation challenges.

Fernandina Island is the youngest and most pristine of the Galapagos Islands. It boasts an otherworldly terrain sculpted by volcanic activity. The rugged coastline is dominated by La Cumbre, an active volcano that sets the stage for a diverse ecosystem.

Our guests encountered a remarkable array of endemic species. The flightless cormorant, found nowhere else on Earth, was observed in its natural habitat along the coastline. Camouflaged against black lava rocks, marine iguanas were clustered in colonies along the shores. A curious Galapagos penguin looked for fish in the crystal-clear water.

After this incredible walk, we all headed to the water, where we snorkeled with marine iguanas and abundant sea turtles.

In the afternoon, we explored fascinating Punta Vicente Roca Bay by Zodiac and observed as sea turtles and sea lions played joyfully. Later in the afternoon, we crossed the equator in the company of our new friends while surrounded by volcanos.