It’s an early morning operation today as we grab coffee before breakfast at the Five Fingers Lighthouse. This neat little island has a copse of Sitka spruce with nesting bald eagles. From the helicopter pad we have great views of the islets, whales, and water birds. Inside the lighthouse we’re permitted to climb the stairs to the lens to admire a fabulous vista. Built in 1901, and burned and rebuilt in 1935, this important beacon for navigation has saved many travelers.

After breakfast, we glided across glassy waters to a group of four humpback whales. One came to our Zodiac, possibly out of curiosity. We were honored and humbled by the size of this beautiful creature.

After lunch and a sail to Thomas Bay, we hiked up Cascade Creek. It seemed the entire waterway was a constant white waterfall. The creek sprayed us with its mist while ferns, lichen, and moss flourished in the environment.