What a day to wrap up our exploration of coastal Norway and Svalbard. We woke up this morning to the view of Fjortende Julibreen, a three-kilometer-long tidal glacier tumbling into the very same water we were sailing on. Rain threatened to dampen our exploration by Zodiac, but the squall soon blew over and left us in awe of the cliffs, grassy ledges, and glacial moraine that create the diverse opportunities for life here. Highlights of the morning included puffins and guillemots nesting on the cliffs, endemic Svalbard reindeer grazing on freshly exposed vegetation, and king eiders showing off their magnificent colors in front of the glacier.

Our afternoon was spent in a similarly spectacular setting, surrounded by glacial faces broken by rocky peaks in a 360° panorama. Where Lilliehookbreen Glacier meets the terminus of Krossfjord rests a pocket of peace and tranquility. What a perfect spot to reflect on our two-week journey covering 20° of latitude, from 60° to 80°N.