Greetings fellow travellers and Lindblad Expeditions followers.

National Geographic Explorer was en route to Flatey Island this morning. An early breakfast was had by all, to be followed by a briefing in the lounge to introduce the expedition staff, give an insight into the itinerary we would be endeavouring to accomplish on this circumnavigation of Iceland, and to perform a mandatory Zodiac briefing to ensure guest safety while being transported on our trusty craft.

The afternoon entailed a visit to the island of Flatey, where guests were given the opportunity to hike casually across the island, visiting bird colonies of puffins and Arctic terns.

The weather was sunny, beautiful, and very refreshing for our visit. Our guests were amazed at the views and pristine nature of this land with its flora and fauna, and the shear magic of the island.

It was only day one, and guests at the evening cocktail hour were sharing how totally blown away they were by their experience today.