Today the National Geographic Islander anchored in Punta Cormorant Bay. Behind us the sun rose and we started at 6:30am with our daily stretching session on the Sky Deck, followed by a delicious buffet breakfast.

During our hike at Punta Cormorant we saw more than 15 flamingos at the brackish lagoon, feeding on the small crustaceans that give them their pink coloration. 

Visiting the Holy Tree forest at Floreana Island we saw many different birds, such as the flycatcher, Darwin finches, and the yellow warbler. Also finishing our hike, we saw the differences between two beaches; one with organic sand, which is made from small parts of shells, and the second one an inorganic sand beach which is made from volcanic and mineral formation.

Later on we headed to Champion Islet were we had an amazing time snorkeling. During this activity we saw an octopus, many beautiful colorful fish, and the sea lions were swimming all around us.

We were able to kayak just after a nice walk with blue footed boobies and penguins in Post Office Bay.

From sunrise until sunset, everything was perfect aboard the National Geographic Islander.