On this special day we are in the south of Galapagos at Floreana Island. This island is fantastic is many different ways, including flora, fauna, and human history.

I have to say today was like no other day, in general. We started early with a pre-breakfast outing to visit a place called Punta Cormorant. Here we saw sea lions, diving and dancing blue-footed boobies, a flamingo in flight, turtles mating, hundreds of sting rays in the shallows, and more. I just cannot imagine a better place than this for wildlife.

After breakfast we headed out to a nearby islet where you can only do Zodiac rides and snorkeling. The Zodiac rides were enjoyable as we were on a mission to find our third species of mockingbird of the trip. We succeeded! It also showed us other animals like sea lions and birds, as usual.

When I thought my day was done I entered the water with many guests and encountered the other amazing side of the Galapagos - its rich waters and all the elements within it. Large schools of fish were spotted in all forms and colors, sea lions entertained us as if they were trained to do so, rays and even sharks came by to say hello. We even spotted and swam near some dolphins.

In the afternoon, after a siesta, we reached another location on the same island. This area has a lot history, especially from back during the whaling days. During that time Galapagos was considered a good area for business and though the adventures did not last long – just a couple of centuries – it devastated the giant tortoise population here, not to mention the whale population.

One item still visible from that time period is a wooden barrel that was originally used for communication with home. You can now, like then, take your letters, postcards, or just a message written on a simple pace of paper and leave it there, to be taken home by other visitors of Floreana. Hand delivery is the traditional way to do this; no stamps are needed.

To finish this day full of surprises we went out kayaking or Zodiac riding around rocky outcrops and little islets to view more fantastic wildlife.