Floreana is also known as the Island of Mysteries due to some extraordinary events that happened here in the 1930s, when some European inhabitants disappeared under circumstances that have never been explained.

Our day began at sunrise with a moderately paced walk on an easy trail that went right past a brackish lagoon, home to greater flamingoes and ducks. We continued on our way to the other side of a tuff cone to a white-sand beach that served as a nesting area for sea turtles. Underneath the breakers along the beach several hundred of sting rays could be seen.

Back on board, we enjoyed a full breakfast before continuing with the day’s programs. Around mid-morning, after a short navigation, we reached the island of Champion for a Zodiac ride to look for sea lions, boobies, shearwaters and red-billed tropic birds. We were especially on the lookout for a species of mockingbird that became extinct on the main island due to predators. Only a few now survive here on this island. Fortunately, we spotted some unexpectedly close and we were happy they are still with us.

Next, we went snorkeling in a beautiful location full of many fish species and playful Galapagos sea lions, a highlight of the session. Meanwhile, other guests went kayaking around small islands observing wildlife. Others disembarked on the beach at Post Office Bay to visit the old mail barrel that whalers used to communicate with folks back home many centuries ago. This tradition continues today. Visitors enthusiastically participate by picking out a letter or postcard addressed to some place near their home and then hand-delivering it when they get back. No stamps needed!

The last activity of the day was a Zodiac ride around some rocky islands for a view of interesting wildlife as the sun shined its last rays on a phenomenal expedition on this island.