Today our Galapagos Exploration brought us to the Island of all mysteries: Floreana. The best way to begin our journey was with a pre-breakfast hike at Punta Cormorant. After a comfortable wet landing, a world of wildlife started to be appear: young Galapagos sea lions resting on the beach, blue-footed boobies plunging into the water for breakfast feeding, and greater flamingos feeding at the brackish water lagoon area. As we crossed the isthmus of Punta cormorant, we found ourselves surrounded by the calls of the ground finches all over the place.  The splendor of the place shone, with a landscape of a white sandy beach, decorated with a charming sunrise.  

The next adventure of the morning would bring us to Champion Islet, where a delightful Zodiac ride along the coastline was the beginning of a graceful morning.  Swallow-tailed gulls, blue-footed boobies, red-billed tropic birds, and Floreana mockingbirds were part of the highlights that Champion had in store for us this morning.  The deep water snorkeling activity was going to be the cherry on top of our superb exploration. Sightings of burrito grunts, black-stripe salemas, and pacific green sea turtles decorated our hike along the cliffs of Champion islet.  

In the afternoon, we had the opportunity of visiting one of the most iconic visitor sites of the archipelago: Post office Bay.  The whaling times’ tradition was kept by exchanging postcards being left by visitors, in order to hand deliver correspondence as an old Galapagos Tradition.  Our journey reached its end with a lovely afternoon Zodiac ride, which gave us the opportunity to search for wildlife found in the area.  The sunset was the perfect indicator that our Galapagos adventure will continue tomorrow.