The National Geographic Islander visited the Island of Floreana today. This island was the first one to be colonized by humans back in the day. During the morning we visited a place called Cormorant Point. This place has one of the only olivine crystal beaches in the Galapagos. Also behind this landing site we visited a salt water lagoon to enjoy the magnificence of a small group of flamingos. We had a surprise as we entered this place when we were received by a flock that flew right in front of us. Then we kept following the trail to visit another beach where some sea turtles had nested and some stingrays hid from the predatory sharks.

After waking up early, breakfast was a much deserved reward before we went out again. The ship moved to a second location on Floreana Island, Champion Islet. Here we deployed our Zodiacs to go around the Islet and check the wildlife found here. We saw sea lions, boobies, gulls, tropic birds and the elusive Floreana Mockingbird. Afterward we went again to the island to discover the underwater life. From the moment we entered the water we could see schools of angel fish, creole fish, and so much more.

Later we returned and repositioned for a third and last time to the famous Post Office Bay. This place was first established by the whaling community that used to hunt these creatures and needed to keep contact with their families. The tradition has attracted thousands of visitors looking for a post card or letter that they can hand-deliver. So we went on shore to visit the mail box and check the postcards left by other visitors. Afterwards we used the Zodiacs for another ride around a group of islets adjacent to the previous site. We encountered sea lions waiting for us with their playful pups and territorial males. This location holds a good number of mangrove trees which other places in the world consider the beginners of life. Due to these conditions sea turtles, rays, and fish come to rest or reproduce. So as we were passing by some trees, baby sharks surprised us coming to check out the Zodiac.

We had a fantastic time in Floreana today and can’t wait to see what’s coming next.