This morning we awoke to another beautiful day off the coast of Floreana, an island with a rich human history in the Galapagos. A continental breakfast was served in the lounge for those early risers adventuring off to observe the early morning sun at Punta Cormorant.

Photo instructor, Antonio Adrian, led a group to photograph animal stories and interactions. He encouraged guests to observe the animals long enough to be able to tell their story. As we saw two young boobies fallen from a small cliff which held its nest, we photographed their necks turned upward to help tell their story. We walked on to an inlet where pink flamingos took flight and practice setting the shutter speed of our cameras to catch the birds in focus when they were flying.

We then had second breakfast and repositioned to Champion Islet where guests first disembarked to discover a Champion Islet off the coast of Floreana on zodiacs in search of the elusive and rare Floreana mockingbird. After the zodiac tour, we had the option to deep-water snorkel or go on a glass bottom boat ride where some saw reef sharks, sea lions, marine turtles and a plentitude of colorful fish.

After a delightful lunch capped by chocolate bread pudding, we ventured out kayaking around “Post Office Bay” and “The baroness cove.” Kayakers saw several sea turtles, stingrays, crabs and sea lions.

Called the most charming post office in the world, the whiskey oak barrel contains post cards from visitors from around the globe. As our guide read off the addresses of each one, we grabbed those close to us and left ours for others to take excited by the possibilities that come with the messages from a barrel. It is exciting to know that our Galapagos adventure continues when we leave this glorious place.