Today we visited Floreana Island, a place where nature and human history combine amazingly. We started our day by visiting Punta Cormorant. Here we explored two different beaches, one with green sand and the other with white sand. Along the trails we spotted blue footed boobies and the Galapagos flamingos, which can only be found in a small number of brackish lagoons around the archipelago. We then came back for breakfast, and afterwards went out for a Zodiac ride along the cliffs of Champion Islet. This small islet is home to one of the few surviving populations of the Floreana mockingbird, a critically endangered bird which we were lucky to spot. To complete our morning, we snorkeled around Champion, where we had the privilege of swimming with a group of young sea lions. In the afternoon, we had a lecture about the human history of the Galapagos, as a preparation for our next outing to the Post Office Bay, a historical site that holds an old tradition of leaving letters that are collected by other visitors and hand delivered when they get back home. We ended our day watching an astonishing sunset while enjoying a glass of wine on the upper deck of our home for this week, the National Geographic Islander.