This morning dawned grey and misty, but that is to be expected in the garua (mist) season. The weather is cool, but pleasant for hiking. This morning, we woke just after sunrise and disembarked on a greenish beach where we saw the tiny olivine crystals that color the sand. There were blue footed boobies behind the beach and to our delight, a great number of bright pink flamingos strutting around in a brackish water lagoon. After breakfast, almost everyone went snorkeling. The conditions were fabulous at Champion Islet; the water was chilly, but we had great visibility! We swam and played with curious and friendly sea lion pups and found dozens of huge schools of colorful fish and varieties. In the afternoon, there were several activities to choose from. We went to the famed hand delivery mail barrel at Post Office Bay, and afterward explored among some rocky islets by either kayak, paddleboard, or Zodiac. There were many species of birds, marine mammals, crabs (Sally lightfoots of course) and reptiles – such incredible biodiversity!