Today we visited Floreana Island, also known as James Island. As we made our way to Punta Cormorant in our Zodiacs, we spotted a shark having breakfast, and feeding frigate birds and blue-footed boobies enjoying the plethora of fish. After a wet landing, we walked inland where we spotted Galapagos sea lions, flamingos, and stingrays.

Back on board the National Geographic Endeavour II, after enjoying a delicious breakfast, we sailed to Champion Islet. We went for Zodiac rides around the island, spotting more Galapagos sea lions, sea turtles, Nazca boobies, blue-footed boobies and Galapagos petrels. Later on, our guests had the chance to snorkel, scuba dive or go for rides in the glass-bottom boat.

In the afternoon, we visited Post Office Bay, where one can leave postcards without postage to be delivered by future visitors, following a centuries old tradition started by the first whalers to explore the region. After a visit to the historic post office barrel, our guests had the option to kayak, paddleboard or swim from the beach. It was another exciting day in paradise aboard the National Geographic Endeavour II.