Today, National Geographic Islander anchored just in front of Floreana Island, where we had a lot to do. We started the day with a pre-breakfast walk on Punta Cormorant and saw flamingos eating in a brackish lagoon. Then we headed back to the ship to have breakfast and get ready for our Zodiac rides. Later we went snorkeling in Champion Islet. Sharks, rays, fish, and sea lions were all over the place.

We visited Post Office Bay and had the opportunity to send some post cards to our relatives. Following tradition, we also we arranged for some of the postcards to be hand delivered!

Kayaking, paddleboarding, and Zodiac rides were fun excursions to complete the day, however, National Geographic Islander wasn’t done surprising us.  When we got back on board, we were given a wine tasting session on the Sky Deck and gave a toast to this amazing day.