This morning we started with an amazing sunrise and a very calm sea, perfect for our visit to Punta Cormorant. Right after our arrival to this island, we managed to spot a blue-footed booby couple in the middle of a courtship ceremony. The dance is both spectacular and slightly comical, for the fact of its resemblance to our own customs. The male booby begins by imparting gifts to the female (twigs and little rocks), while simultaneously displaying his turquoise feet. This is all done in the hopes of procuring a partner for the mating season ahead. After watching these amusing birds, we continued ahead to a lagoon occupied by a group of close to sixty flamingoes. These birds were grazing just above the lagoon surface, searching for shrimp and giving us an amazing show in turn.

By 8:00 a.m. we returned to our vessel for a delicious breakfast, and around 10:00, we left by Zodiac for Champion Islet. Here we saw very playful baby sea lions coming right up to us, sea birds, and a spectacular volcanic landscape.

Soon after the Zodiac ride, we were snorkeling in the deep waters of Champion. The waters are very clear and possess a piercing blue color. It is amazing to be here in the company of hundreds of different species that few of us have ever had the chance to witness so intimately.

Moving our vessel again, we anchored at Post Office Bay, an important historical site of the Galapagos since the whaling times around the end of the 18th century. Afterward, some guests went kayaking or paddleboarding, while others opted for a Zodiac ride along the coast.

We all loved this day very much, and before dusk came on, we went up to the top deck to enjoy a wine tasting in the company of a sunset as mesmerizing as its rise at daybreak.