Floreana is known as the island of the mysteries and tragedies. In this isolated spot, many settlers came to colonize the Galapagos, and there are many stories about humans and the difficult challenge of surviving in this inhospitable place. In the morning, we visited Post Office Bay, a legendary site visited by buccaneers, pirates, whalers, and intrepid sailors more than 200 years ago. Kayaking was a great way to explore the shoreline full of wildlife. Then we went for a Zodiac tour around Champion Islet, located near the main island. We snorkeled and enjoyed the astonishing experience of swimming with sea lions, turtles, sharks, and multicolored fish. In the afternoon, we went to Cormorant Point for an amazing walk. We visited a large brackish lagoon with a few dozen greater flamingos and other migratory birds, such as plovers, whimbrels, and stilts. The big surprise was on the other side of the point, where we saw marine turtles on the white sand beach. They were mating or warming up under the sun. We had an incredible journey.