The morning began with a one-of-a-kind sunrise, painting the sky over Post Office Bay with red and orange hues. This site, our visitor destination for the morning, inspired us to follow in the footsteps of Charles Darwin and the many whalers, buccaneers, and pirates who had visited in the past. Our guests collected postcards that previous visitors had left in an old barrel just a few feet from the beach. They made a promise to hand-deliver these postcards, much like the whalers did in the 1700s after departing from the Galapagos. After a hearty breakfast, we embarked on a snorkeling adventure among Galapagos sea lions, colorful fish, and even stingrays. Some of our explorers opted for the glass-bottom Zodiac for a unique “dry snorkeling” experience.

In the afternoon, we explored a completely different side of the island, Punta Cormorant. Despite its name, there are no cormorants here (it was named after a ship). Instead, we marveled at the sight of many pink flamingos, some with their chicks. Crossing the peninsula, we reached the nesting site of green sea turtles. A refreshing breeze from the south welcomed us, and we were treated to a spectacular landscape of turquoise waters and pristine white sand. It was a fantastic way to conclude a beautiful day.