We woke up this morning early with a splendorous sunrise.  This is an island that according to the inhabitants, it always welcomed to any of the visitors that came to enjoy this place and it is still do it until nowadays.

 It has something magic and unique, and it is that as soon as we land on the green volcanic sand beach of Punta Cormorant and start our walk for only few yards, it await us an incredible Galapagos greater flamingo lagoon.  Our guests were overwhelmed observing them and see how fragile and delicate are these land birds.

The early morning visit with its sunrise colors made a special place for everybody to enjoy it.

Later we moved to Champion Islet to do our next activities:  expedition landing craft rides, deep water snorkeling and glass bottom boat. The clear conditions of the water reflects how beautiful the fish are.  Even the young sea lions enjoyed been with all of us and playing around the zodiacs with our global explores.

After lunch we moved to another visitor site:  Post Office Bay, a historical place where on 1793 a British Captain James Colnet, erected a wooden barrel which was used as a Post Office for passing ships:  whalers, pirates and nowadays visitors came to this area to deposit postcards and to pick up new ones to deliver them to its different destinations by hand, just to keep the tradition as it was done during the 17th Century.