Sometimes fate waves its hand and what was supposed to be, turns into: what can we do instead? Today was one such day. When we went to bed last evening we expected to wake up at Tresco in the Isles of Scilly. Well we got that part right, but going ashore would be another story. The sea around us had a feather-white appearance due to the wind blowing the top of the waves off their base. It was apparent to all that getting into inflatable boats would not necessarily be our best option. On to plan B! Instead we would head on to a small but very significant seaside town of Fowey. Fowey has been many things in its long and colorful history. It had been the end of land route over land, where the Irish conducted trade. In more recent history, Fowey was an important mining town and for years the local people worked in the China clay mines that were found nearby. Today, it is known as a quaint little seaside town where many tourist come each year for holiday. The town is a colorful spot with wonderful shops of all kinds, the home of St. Fimbar Cathedral, and a place where a smile is found on just about everyone’s face.