After a quiet night navigating east along the Beagle Channel, we entered – during the early hours of the morning – the waters of the Lemaire Strait on our way to Staten Island. This body of water with its very strong currents separate the main Island of Tierra del Fuego from la Isla de los Estados.

It was a beautiful crisp morning, and the sunrise was breathtaking. As the light became stronger we were able to enjoy the many seabirds flying about the ship: sooty shearwaters, southern giant petrels, black-browed albatross and our first views of rockhopper penguins.

The morning was spent ashore with opportunities to enjoy various walks and also take a Zodiac cruise.

The ship then repositioned over lunch time to Capitán Bahía Cánepa, along the southern coastline, where we were able to enjoy some dramatic landscapes as well as some close encounters with South American sea lions and fur seals, as well as a number of different birds.